infinitas lab service

Our Infinitas Lab Service offers both Bi-lateral and Uni-lateral Mesialisers and Distalisers to create mid-palatal anchorage for mesialisation and distalisation of molar teeth.

Once confirmed, the stent will be made for insertion of the mini-implants as well as the Mesialier or Distaliser appliance. Once positioned in the patient’s mouth, the appliance can then be activated using nickel-titanium closing coils or elastometric chain.

Following receipt of the scan, impressions, or model from the clinician, our technicians will communicate with the clinician to validate the position of the mini-implants.

For Mesialiser and Distaliser cases, please complete our Infinitas Lab Service prescription form.

Please send: an upper STL File or impression and design of the appliance.

Turnaround time: 7 working days

infinitas stent

Our Infinitas Stent service provides a clear guide for placing an implant. The stent baseplate fits to the teeth and palate to anchor the stent to the correct position.

The guide cylinder fits the insertion instruments and provides both a guide to avoid directional variation and gives a steady and stable insertion point, avoiding slippage. The stent is perfect for use with the Infinitas Mini Implant system.

Please send: upper and/or lower STL files, impressions, or models.

If sending a model, please either mark the model to indicate the position of the implant or please send the model with the mini-implant analogue and abutments fitted. Alternatively, if we receive impressions or digital scans, we can arrange a quick video call with the clinician to finalise the position of the implant.

Turnaround time: 3 working days


